Sunday, June 5, 2011


我后悔、后悔曾经那么好过. < /3

I regret , why i before so friend with you .

**i** **o *a* **n .

Sorry .

I'm the first end of our friendship .

Cause ,

you never appreciate me .

Yea ,

you say you have appreciate me .

Did you ??

Why i didn't feel it ??

This is me at facebook with you chat de things .

Abby Fung 29 May at 22:35

Did you ever view my profile try to know my everything ? Since you are got alot of new friends , you are forget me at all. Did you feel it ? Confirm that you are say no right ? When got things , you just will think dao me . You know that was hurt ?? Yea, everyone can got your own new friends, i no say can't. But yourself think la , really . You never care me since you are got your new friends. Everytimes , you just stick with them. When exam, did you come find guo me at my place ? Did you come find guo me when recess ? no . I'm hurt le one time and once again . Thats why , i treat you like this . I tell myself , need to accept , this is your style . Is me make you until like this , i know it . So i try to change you . But , i'm fail. You are no need me anymore . Right ? 我只是你的一个过客. 只是在你寂寞的时候得一个人.

You hurt ?? Then can i ask , WHAT MY FEELING ARE ?


You reply ,

29 May at 22:42 Report

Aih , I really dk what to say edy .. Jie shi too much just will feel like yan shi .. I just hope you give me one more chance .. I know the hurts .. I know you sure will ask me how to explain the hurt .. But I can tell you Idk how to explain .. Cause there are nothing can describe it .. I really sorry sorry sorry ....

You ask me to give you one more chance ,

yea .

When i wanna give you one more chance ,

what did you do ?

You never chance .

Still is the same .

No any change .

How sad am i ,

lost le you this friend .

How sad am i ,

lost le want sister .

But ,

what can i do ?

You are no need me anymore ,

you got your own new friends .

Although how sad i am ,

i will be strong .

Cause i still got my own friends lagi . : )

Sad is suree will de ,

but i think i will be fine someday : )

Friend ,

hope you happy with your own new friends. : )


I have finish my holidays work ,

i miss there de staff ! : D

They are so funny ! hahahahhahahahaa : D

When got other holidays again ,

i sure will go back there ^^ : D


You know i miss you.

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